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Homeless Prevention


Multifamily Development

HOME American Rescue Plan

The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) was allocated approximately $132 million in HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds in a one-time allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HOME-ARP is based on HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program annual funding infrastructure. HOME-ARP also has significant differences compared to the HOME annual program. The differences include waivers of certain federal regulations and waivers to create new activities, as described on HUD Exchange at

Qualifying populations for HOME-ARP include:

  • Households that are experiencing homelessness, per 24 CFR §91.5;
  • Households at-risk of homelessness, with incomes below 30% Area Median Income (AMI), per 24 CFR §91.5;
  • Households at-risk of homelessness, with waiver to allow for income up to 50% AMI, per HUD CPD Notice 21-10;
  • Households fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, per HUD 24 CFR §5.2003;
  • Households with 30% AMI with severe housing cost burden defined as paying more than 50% of monthly household income toward housing costs, per HUD CPD Notice 21-10;
  • Households who have qualified as homeless previously, are currently housed with temporary/emergency assistance, and who need additional housing assistance or supportive services to avoid a return to homelessness, per HUD CPD Notice 21-10; or
  • Veterans (and their families) that meet one of the above definitions.

HUD required that recipients of HOME-ARP funds first create an Allocation Plan, and get approval before releasing funds. TDHCA’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan can be found below.

To get information on HOME-ARP Federal Cross-Cutting Requirements please visit the TDHCA Direct Loan page.


On October 10, 2024, the TDHCA Governing Board approved a draft Second Amendment to the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, to be released for a 15-day public comment period before sending to HUD for approval. The public comment period will be held from Monday, October 14, 2024 to 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on Monday, October 28, 2024. Comments received after 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on October 28, 2024, will not be accepted. The draft Second Amendment can be found on TDHCA’s website at

In July, 2024, TDHCA sent notices of eligibility to qualifying nonprofit organizations that were awarded HOME-ARP Nonprofit Operating and Capacity Building (NCO) funds and committed to build a Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) of 50 or units, in accordance with the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan First Amendment. Awards are conditional on reviews of the application received, and the likelihood of operational success of the NCS throughout the federal restricted use period.

As of February 6, 2024, all available funds in the HOME-ARP Rental Allocation, including those released in the 2023-2 HOME-ARP NOFA and 2022 NHTF Set-Aside, were awarded to eligible projects in accordance with the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan. HOME-ARP Rental Development Application Logs can be found below.

In August, 2023, TDHCA sent notices of eligibility to qualifying nonprofit organizations for potential nonprofit capacity building/operating cost awards in accordance with the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan First Amendment. Awards are conditional on reviews of the application received, and the likelihood of a successful non-congregate shelter application within 16 months of the nonprofit capacity building/operating cost award.

Program Guidance and Regulations

TDHCA Allocation Plan and Guidance

HUD HOME-ARP and Homelessness Guidance

HOME Annual Funding Regulations

Overarching Regulations

HOME-ARP Rental Development

HOME-ARP Rental Housing NOFA (Closed)

The Department programmed $56,511,887 of its HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funding into affordable rental housing. The 2023-2 HOME-ARP Rental NOFA was released on December 9, 2022 and suspended on February 16, 2023, due to funding requests exceeding available funds. The HOME-ARP Rental Development Application Logs are below.

HOME-ARP National Housing Trust Fund Set-Aside (Closed) 

Within the Department’s rental housing activity is a $10,000,000 set-aside for direct awards to qualifying National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) Developments. This set-aside was created to preserve existing Department investments in NHTF-funded developments from 2020 and 2021 that may otherwise be at risk of being not financially feasible. The Department has sent notices of eligibility to qualifying NHTF Applicants, and closed the set-aside on December 31, 2022.

HOME-ARP Rental Development Application Logs

The HOME-ARP Rental Application Logs posted on this website reflects the 2022 HOME-ARP NHTF set-aside and 2023.2 HOME-ARP Rental NOFA.

2022 HOME-ARP Rental NHTF Set-Aside Application Log (XLSX) (updated 8/4/2023)

2023-2 HOME-ARP Rental NOFA Application Log (XLSX) (updated 12/30/2024)

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