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Welcome to the TDHCA Housing Contract System web page. The TDHCA Housing Contract System is designed to allow administrators to set up activities (project setups), enter project completion report data, and view programmatic and financial information associated with their contracts. The system supports the HOME Program (single family and multifamily) and the Housing Trust Fund.
What We Do

Annual Allocation

Homeless Prevention
User Guide
Read the TDHCA Housing Contract System User Guide for instructions on using the system. For further assistance, please contact your program specialist. Print the user guide for reference as you enter information into the system.
Logging On
Administrators/Subrecipients with current awards or contract agreements will use their existing administrator/subrecipient login name and password. If you are a new administrator/subrecipient, and you have not received a user id and password from the Department, please contact the appropriate program staff:
- HOME Single Family: HOME@tdhca.texas.gov
- HOME Multifamily: mfdl@tdhca.texas.gov
- Emergency Solutions Grant, esg@tdhca.texas.gov
- Homeless Housing and Services Program, hhsp@tdhca.texas.gov
- Housing Stability Services Program, hss@tdhca.texas.gov
- Housing Trust Fund: HTF@tdhca.texas.gov
- Homeowner Assistance Fund: TXHFSA@tdhca.texas.gov