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An official website of the Texas state government

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TDHCA serves as the state agency responsible for the financing and compliance monitoring of most of the affordable housing developed in Texas. The Department also administers state and federal funding to combat homelessness and provide community-based and energy assistance to residents in need through partnerships with cities and counties that receive no direct allocation of federal housing dollars (Non-Participating Jurisdictions), nonprofit and community-based organizations, private developers, and public housing authorities.

Below, you will find general information related to interacting with the Department and/or its staff. For questions about a specific matter related to affordable housing, please contact TDHCA’s Housing Resource Center at  

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit Help for Texans.

Per 10 Texas Administrative Code §1.2, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has a process to address complaints about its properties and programs. The complainant will receive a response from the Department within 15 business days that either the complaint has been resolved or that it will be resolved by a certain date. After that, the complainant will be notified about the complaint at least quarterly until final resolution. 

Complaints about a TDHCA-funded property or program may be submitted in writing by one of the following three ways:

  1. Submit a written complaint online by selecting this link – CLICK HERE

  2. by mail to PO Box 13941, Austin, TX 78711-3941

  3. by fax to 512-469-9609

The Complaint Submission System is to be used only for complaints dealing with TDHCA programs and funded properties. TDHCA-funded properties can be found online by searching our Vacancy Clearinghouse. Individuals with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation to submit complaints over the phone by calling (512) 475-3800 or toll free: (800) 525-0657.

Issues not falling under TDHCA jurisdiction, (e.g. public housing authorities, non-TDHCA funded programs or properties, and homeowner associations) cannot be resolved by TDHCA. Please note that once a complaint is entered into the Department's Complaint Submission System, all information entered could be subject to a Public Information Request.

An important step in many Department processes is the gathering of public comment on draft documents, such as plans, policies, reports, rules, etc. The information below is provided to assist public participation in the Department’s public comment process.

The following information is presented for explanatory purposes only. Specific public comment details and information are available on each plan, policy, report, rule, etc., which may be subject to specific federal or state guidelines, and are subject to change.

View Public Comment Center

TDHCA is committed to providing full access to public information. To request public records under the Texas Public Information Act:

  1. Submit your PIR in writing by email.

  2. Include your full first and last names, email address, daytime telephone number or other contact information and a clear description of the records you want.

  3. PIRs will be accepted only at the following email address:

We will promptly notify you by return email to confirm receipt of your emailed PIR. Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought.

Created in 1989 to coordinate the State's homeless resources and services, the Texas Interagency Council for the Homeless (TICH) consists of representatives from all state agencies that serve persons experiencing homelessness. TICH serves as an advisory committee to TDHCA. The council receives no funding and has no full-time staff, but receives clerical and advisory support from TDHCA. Furthermore, TDHCA supports the Council by hosting TICH Web pages.

The Housing and Health Services Coordination Council (HHSCC) is codified in Tex. Gov't Code Sec. 2306.1091. The purpose of the Council is to increase state efforts to offer service-enriched housing through increased coordination of housing and health services. The Council seeks to improve interagency understanding and increase the number of staff in state housing and health services agencies that are conversant in both housing and services. Council members meet quarterly. Additional meeting information can be found on the HHSCC pages.

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