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An official website of the Texas state government

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Monitoring Forms

These are some of the checklists that Compliance Monitors use when they perform onsite monitoring visits at TDHCA administered properties. Note there are seven worksheets within this workbook. These checklists are not required to be completed by owners and managers. Rather, they are provided as tool to help owners and managers comply with their LURA and the Texas Administrative Code. They are updated from time to time. If you have questions about these checklists, please contact Wendy Quackenbush at (512) 305-8860 or by email at

Income Certification Form

Affirmative Marketing Plans

Tenant Rights and Resources Guide

The Tenant Rights and Resources Guide is for tenants living in a TDHCA monitored rental property.

Special Needs Certification

Student Status

Section 811 PRA

Notices and Request Forms

HQS Inspection Forms

HQS Checklist (PDF on site)

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